Source code for zask.ext.zerorpc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Add zerorpc support to zask.

    :copyright: (c) 2015 by the J5.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

import time
import inspect
import uuid

from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, Formatter, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler

# Because the time module has a problem with timezones, we now format all log
# message dates in UTC. We tried replacing the Formatter using tzlocal but it
# was very slow calling it the first time. The delay is somewhere in the range
# of 3-4 seconds. This is not acceptable in a production application. So until
# we find a better solution, this is the compromise.
Formatter.converter = time.gmtime

import gevent
import zerorpc
from zerorpc.heartbeat import HeartBeatOnChannel
from import BufferedChannel, logger as channel_logger
from zerorpc.gevent_zmq import logger as gevent_logger
from zerorpc.core import logger as core_logger

from zask import _request_ctx
from zask.logging import debug_handler, production_handler

access_logger = getLogger(__name__)

# NCSA Combined Log Format + request time + uuid
    '%(host)s %(identifier)s %(username)s %(asctime)s %(message)s ' + \
    '%(status_code)s %(bytes)s %(referrer)s %(user_agent)s %(cookies)s ' + \
    '%(request_time)d %(uuid)s'
ACCESS_LOG_DATETIME_FORMAT = '[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000]' # Hard coded for UTC


def _milli_time():
    """get millionsecond of time.
    return int(round(time.time() * 1000))

def _log(cls_name, func):
    Decorator for every method of server to record simple access log.
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        start = _milli_time()
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        log = '"%s" - "%s" - OK - %dms' % (cls_name,
                                           _milli_time() - start), extra={'access_key': None})
        return result
    return wrapped

[docs]def access_log(cls): """[Deprecated] A decorator for zerorpc server class to generate access logs:: @access_log Class MySrv(Object): def foo(self) return "bar" Every request from client will create a log:: [2014-12-18 13:33:16,433] - None - "MySrv" - "foo" - OK - 1ms :param cls: the class object """ for name, m in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.ismethod): setattr(cls, name, _log(cls.__name__, m)) return cls
[docs]def init_zerorpc(app): """Baskward compatibility. """ return ZeroRPC(app)
[docs]class ConfigMiddleware(object): """A middleware work with configure of zask application. This is the base class for all the config based middlewares. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def _get_config_name(self, name): config_name = "ZERORPC_%s" % (name.upper()) if is None: raise MissingConfigException(config_name) return config_name
[docs] def get_version(self, name, version): config_name = self._get_config_name(name) if version is None: try: version =[config_name]['default'] except: raise ClientMissingVersionException() else: version =[config_name]['default'] if is None: raise MissingConfigException(config_name + '["' + version + '"]') return version
[docs] def get_endpoint(self, name, version): config_name = self._get_config_name(name) version = self.get_version(name, version) return[config_name][version]
[docs] def get_access_key(self, name): config_name = self._get_config_name(name) if'access_key') is None: raise MissingAccessKeyException(config_name) return[config_name]['access_key']
[docs] def get_client_keys(self, name): config_name = self._get_config_name(name) return'client_keys', None)
[docs]class ConfigEndpointMiddleware(ConfigMiddleware): """Resolve the endpoint by service name. """
[docs] def resolve_endpoint(self, endpoint): # when configured multiple endpoint, # i don't want sub endpoint also be decoded. # so ignore that and return directly. try: name, version = HandleEndpoint.decode(endpoint) except ValueError: return endpoint else: return self.get_endpoint(name, version)
[docs]class ConfigCustomHeaderMiddleware(ConfigEndpointMiddleware): """Besides resolve the endpoint by service name, add custome header to the client. Server side will do the validation for the access key and service version. """ _server_version = None
[docs] def set_server_version(self, version): self._server_version = version
[docs] def client_before_request(self, event): if event.header.get('service_name'): event.header.update({ 'access_key': self.get_access_key(event.header['service_name']), 'service_version': self.get_version(event.header['service_name'], event.header['service_version']) })
[docs] def load_task_context(self, event_header): if event_header.get('service_version') \ and event_header.get('service_version') != self._server_version: raise VersionNotMatchException(event_header.get('access_key'), event_header.get('service_version'), self._server_version) if event_header.get('access_key'): keys = self.get_client_keys(event_header['service_name']) if keys and event_header.get('access_key') not in keys: raise NoSuchAccessKeyException(event_header.get('access_key'))
[docs]class RequestChainMiddleware(object): """Generate UUID for requests and store in greenlet's local storage """ def __init__(self, app): = app
[docs] def get_uuid(self): if not hasattr(_request_ctx.stash, 'uuid'): setattr(_request_ctx.stash, 'uuid', str(uuid.uuid1())) return _request_ctx.stash.uuid
[docs] def set_uuid(self, uuid): setattr(_request_ctx.stash, 'uuid', uuid)
[docs] def clear_uuid(self): if hasattr(_request_ctx.stash, 'uuid'): delattr(_request_ctx.stash, 'uuid')
[docs] def server_before_exec(self, request_event): if not request_event.header.get('uuid'): request_event.header.update({ 'uuid': self.get_uuid(), }) else: self.set_uuid(request_event.header.get('uuid'))
[docs] def server_after_exec(self, request_event, reply_event): self.clear_uuid()
[docs] def server_inspect_exception(self, request_event, reply_event, task_context, exc_infos): self.clear_uuid()
[docs] def client_before_request(self, event): if not event.header.get('uuid'): event.header.update({ 'uuid': self.get_uuid(), })
[docs]class RequestEventMiddleware(object): """Exposes the request_event to the object being passed to Server() via self.get_request_event() from a service endpoint. """
[docs] def server_before_exec(self, request_event): """Injects the request_event into greenlet's local storage context. """ setattr(_request_ctx.stash, 'request_event', request_event)
[docs]class AccessLogMiddleware(object): """This can't be used before initialize the logger. """ _class_name = None def __init__(self, app): = app
[docs] def set_class_name(self, class_name): self._class_name = class_name
[docs] def server_before_exec(self, request_event): request_event.header.update({ 'started_at': _milli_time() })
[docs] def server_after_exec(self, request_event, reply_event): start = request_event.header.get('started_at') message = '"%s %s"' % (self._class_name, access_key = request_event.header.get('access_key', '-') uuid = request_event.header.get('uuid', '-'), extra={ 'host': '-', 'identifier': '-', 'username': access_key, 'status_code': 'OK', 'bytes': '-', 'referrer': '-', 'user_agent': '-', 'cookies': '-', 'request_time': _milli_time() - start, 'uuid': uuid, })
[docs] def server_inspect_exception(self, request_event, reply_event, task_context, exc_infos): start = request_event.header.get('started_at') message = '"%s %s"' % (self._class_name, access_key = request_event.header.get('access_key', '-') uuid = request_event.header.get('uuid', '-'), extra={ 'host': '-', 'identifier': '-', 'username': access_key, 'status_code': 'ERROR', 'bytes': '-', 'referrer': '-', 'user_agent': '-', 'cookies': '-', 'request_time': _milli_time() - start if start else 0, 'uuid': uuid, })
[docs]class ZeroRPC(object): """This is a class used to integrate zerorpc to the Zask application. ZeroRPC extention provides a few powful middlewares. Take ``CONFIG_ENDPOINT_MIDDLEWARE`` as example, which will resolve endpoint according to the zask application configuration. To use that you can setup a ZeroRPC like this:: app = Zask(__name__) app.config['ZERORPC_SOME_SERVICE'] = { '1.0': endpoint, } rpc = ZeroRPC(app, middlewares=[CONFIG_ENDPOINT_MIDDLEWARE]) Then create a server and a client:: class Srv(object): __version__ = "1.0" __service_name__ = "some_service" def hello(self): return 'world' client = rpc.Client('some_service', version='1.0') client.hello() Application will look for ``RPC_SOME_SERVICE`` config. You can set a default version to make the client initialization more easier:: app.config['ZERORPC_SOME_SERVICE'] = { '1.0': endpoint, '2.0': [ # set list if you have multiple endpoints endpoint1, endpoint2 ] 'default': '1.0' } client = rpc.Client('some_service') client.hello() But if you don't want to use the middlewares, just set ``middlewares`` to ``None``:: app = Zask(__name__) rpc = ZeroRPC(app, middlewares=None) Or set a new context to the Server/Client during the runtime:: app = Zask(__name__) rpc = ZeroRPC(app, middlewares=[CONFIG_ENDPOINT_MIDDLEWARE]) default_context = zerorpc.Context().get_instance() srv = rpc.Server(Srv(), context=default_context) client = rpc.Client(context=default_context) """ def __init__(self, app=None, middlewares=DEFAULT_MIDDLEWARES): self._middlewares = middlewares self.Server = _Server self.Client = _Client if app is not None: self.init_app(app) else: = None
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """Initial the access logger and zerorpc exception handlers. :param app: current zask application """ = app app.config.setdefault('ZERORPC_ACCESS_LOG', '/tmp/zerorpc.access.log') self._init_zerorpc_logger() if self._middlewares: self._init_zerorpc_context() else: _Server.__context__ = _Client.__context__ = None
def _init_zerorpc_context(self): context = zerorpc.Context() # there is a conflict when binding the endpoint # so don't register both middleware if CONFIG_CUSTOME_HEADER_MIDDLEWARE in self._middlewares: context.register_middleware(ConfigCustomHeaderMiddleware( elif CONFIG_ENDPOINT_MIDDLEWARE in self._middlewares: context.register_middleware(ConfigEndpointMiddleware( if REQUEST_CHAIN_MIDDLEWARE in self._middlewares: context.register_middleware(RequestChainMiddleware( if ACCESS_LOG_MIDDLEWARE in self._middlewares: context.register_middleware(AccessLogMiddleware( if REQUEST_EVENT_MIDDLEWARE in self._middlewares: context.register_middleware(RequestEventMiddleware()) _Server.__context__ = _Client.__context__ = context
[docs] def register_middleware(self, middleware): context = _Server.__context__ or zerorpc.Context() context.register_middleware(middleware) _Server.__context__ = _Client.__context__ = context
def _init_zerorpc_logger(self): if['DEBUG']: access_handler = StreamHandler() error_handler = debug_handler() else: access_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(['ZERORPC_ACCESS_LOG'], when='D', interval=1, backupCount=15) error_handler = production_handler( access_handler.setLevel(INFO) access_handler.setFormatter(Formatter(ACCESS_LOG_FORMAT, ACCESS_LOG_DATETIME_FORMAT)) access_logger.setLevel(INFO) del access_logger.handlers[:] access_logger.addHandler(access_handler) channel_logger.addHandler(error_handler) gevent_logger.addHandler(error_handler) core_logger.addHandler(error_handler)
class _Server(zerorpc.Server): """Extends zerorpc.Server by the middlewares """ __version__ = None __service_name__ = None __context__ = None def __init__(self, methods=None, context=None, **kargs): if methods is None: methods = self context_ = context or _Server.__context__ or zerorpc.Context.get_instance() heartbeat = kargs.pop('heartbeat', None) zerorpc.Server.__init__(self, methods, context=context_, heartbeat=heartbeat, **kargs) # Inject get_request_event *after* Server constructor so that # it's not exposed to the RPC from the outside. methods.get_request_event = self._get_request_event for instance in context_._middlewares: if isinstance(instance, ConfigEndpointMiddleware): if methods.__version__ is None: raise NoVersionException() if methods.__service_name__ is None: raise NoNameException() self.bind(HandleEndpoint.encode(methods.__service_name__, methods.__version__)) if isinstance(instance, ConfigCustomHeaderMiddleware): instance.set_server_version(methods.__version__) if isinstance(instance, AccessLogMiddleware): instance.set_class_name(methods.__class__.__name__) def _get_request_event(self): """Returns the request_event from the local greenlet storage. Requires RequestEventMiddleware to be enabled to work. """ enabled_middlewares = [mw.__class__.__name__ for mw in self.__context__._middlewares] if 'RequestEventMiddleware' not in enabled_middlewares: raise MissingMiddlewareException('RequestEventMiddleware') return getattr(_request_ctx.stash, 'request_event') class _Client(zerorpc.Client): """Extends zerorpc.Client by the middlewares """ __context__ = None def __init__(self, connect_to=None, context=None, version=None, **kargs): self._connect_to = connect_to self._service_version = version heartbeat = kargs.pop('heartbeat', None) context_ = context or _Client.__context__ or zerorpc.Context.get_instance() # let this client handle connect all the time by setting # connect_to=None zerorpc.Client.__init__( self, connect_to=None, context=context_, heartbeat=heartbeat, **kargs) if connect_to: connected = False # this is tricky # because the hook_resolve_endpoint only accept endpoint # so i made a encode and decode for the server_name and version for instance in context_._middlewares: if isinstance(instance, ConfigMiddleware): self.connect(HandleEndpoint.encode(connect_to, version)) connected = True break if not connected: self.connect(connect_to) def _generate_request_event(self, channel, method, args): xheader = self._context.hook_get_task_context() if self._context._hooks['client_before_request']: xheader.update({ 'service_name': self._connect_to, 'service_version': self._service_version }) request_event = channel.new_event(method, args, xheader) self._context.hook_client_before_request(request_event) return request_event def __call__(self, method, *args, **kargs): timeout = kargs.get('timeout', self._timeout) channel = hbchan = HeartBeatOnChannel(channel, freq=self._heartbeat_freq, passive=self._passive_heartbeat) bufchan = BufferedChannel(hbchan, inqueue_size=kargs.get('slots', 100)) request_event = self._generate_request_event(bufchan, method, args) bufchan.emit_event(request_event) try: if kargs.get('async', False) is False: return self._process_response(request_event, bufchan, timeout) async_result = gevent.event.AsyncResult() gevent.spawn(self._process_response, request_event, bufchan, timeout).link(async_result) return async_result except: # XXX: This is going to be closed twice if async is false and # _process_response raises an exception. I wonder if the above # async branch can raise an exception too, if no we can just remove # this code. bufchan.close() raise
[docs]class HandleEndpoint(object): @staticmethod
[docs] def encode(name, version): # TODO: validate the name. only [A-Za-z] and _ are acceptable return [name, version]
[docs] def decode(endpoint): [name, version] = endpoint return name, version
[docs]class NoSuchAccessKeyException(Exception): def __init__(self, access_key): self.access_key = access_key def __str__(self): return "No such key '%s'." % self.access_key
[docs]class VersionNotMatchException(Exception): def __init__(self, access_key, request_version, server_version): self.access_key = access_key self.request_version = request_version self.server_version = server_version def __str__(self): return "The request version %s from client %s is not match %s." % \ (self.request_version, self.access_key, self.server_version)
[docs]class MissingAccessKeyException(Exception): def __init__(self, config_name): self.config_name = config_name def __str__(self): return "Missing 'access_key' in the '%s'." % self.config_name
[docs]class MissingConfigException(Exception): def __init__(self, config_name): self.config_name = config_name def __str__(self): return "Missing config '%s' in your application." % self.config_name
[docs]class ClientMissingVersionException(Exception): def __str__(self): return "Client missing version. " \ "You can set a default one or specify one when request."
[docs]class NoVersionException(Exception): def __str__(self): return "__version__ is needed for ZeroRPC server"
[docs]class NoNameException(Exception): def __str__(self): return "__service_name__ is needed for ZeroRPC server"
[docs]class MissingMiddlewareException(Exception): """Raised when Zask tries to invoke a functionality provided by a specific middleware, but that middleware is not loaded. """ def __init__(self, middleware): self.middleware = middleware def __str__(self): return 'Missing required middleware {}.'.format(self.middleware)